Thursday, June 10, 2010

Your Baby is Bald

There is no denying it. Sarah is bald. My mother says that she is not completely bald, she has some peach fuzz. But there is so little and it is so blonde that she is mommy's little cue ball.

Consequently, people are always mistaking her for a boy. This annoys me. She looks like a girl to me with her cute little bow mouth and delicate features.

So I try to make her look even more like a girl by using her clothes.

I have two main avenues of attack to girl her up. One is the full on pink, the other is operation ruffle.

Full on Pink

This is exactly what it sounds like: head to toe pink. My friend Kari makes fun of this look but I'm trying to use the cultural stereotype of pink is for girls to identify Sarah as female.

In this example, Sarah is wearing flowered skinny jeans and pink hoodie from Zara, a pink Oxford tee from her Uncle and Aunt in England and pink Robeez.

Operation Ruffle

The idea is to load Sarah up with so many frills and ruffles that people will register her as a girl. This works well when the frills happen to be on her hat that covers up her bald head.

But the hat is just about as far as I'm willing to go since I'm not really into the whole ruffle thing.

Here she is wearing a Children's Place dress and panty set with a frilly hat from H&M. The hat is important in this example since the dress is blue which makes people think "boy". Yo - it's a DRESS!!

I usually avoid elasticized bows in her "hair" because these annoy her and they fall off immediately (that didn't stop me here though). I once tried her with a headband but she ended up looking like a 1980s aerobic video rather than girly.

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